Main category -
Sub category - Productivity
Developer - AsramSoftware
Filesize - 7270
Title - iRemind iRemind v.1.2.1

Flashlight is an app that lets you install plugins like this, which let you do all sorts of things with OS X's Spotlight search feature. To install "Remind Me", you'll need to download Flashlight first.
Built for education
Each time entry shows the project, description, duration, as well as tag and billability status.
Now that’s classy, right?
This Automator setup seems to work ok -

Recomended MacOS {8651 kbytes}
to MacOS {6252 kbytes}
El Captan {6179 kbytes}

Software key iRemind 1.2.1

iStat Menus can notify you of an incredibly wide range of events, based on CPU, GPU, memory, disks, network, sensors, battery, power and weather. This lets you be notified when your public IP has changed, if your internet connection is down, if CPU usage is above 60% for more than 10 seconds, or a near-infinite range of other options. It can even let you know the weather for the day, or remind you of daylight savings changes. This is the recommended beta build for most users. Most helpful You can enable default project in the app’s Settings. Once you create a timer, you can reuse it forever without setting it up again. ∞ So that’s just another way of doing it that might save some time, and hopefully macOS Sierra with its Siri integration will allow for this as well. In the same menu, customize additional sleeping settings by toggling on Power Adopter: Set your hard disks to sleep when possible, prevent Mac from sleeping when the display is off, etc. It’s the best time to ask questions and give us your feedback in comments.

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